A Ball of Blood and Tears
By Garth Barley
The game will use a ruleset inspired by Houses of the Blooded. In essence, you will have style points which you use to manipulate other players and the world itself to your will. Earn style points by being stylish and helpful.
15 characters, plus crew.
A simple tunic would do, but capes with your House's sigil on it would be awesome. Other Graeco-style or Germanic nobility accessories would also suit.
Garth: dogmirian@gmail.com
It is the time of year when the Council of the Ateh UkIL (Life star sector) comes together and make decisions on important matters. It is a time for old enemies to settle differences and for romancers to burst into new loves.
But after the last war and the nearing of the end of the Zarl Dynasty, an arch nemesis arrives under a cape of friendship, and a storm cloud of chaos fast approaches.
Will you grasp with both hands the fate you desire? Or will you be led, like the dirt who serve you, in someone else's grand destiny?