An Ecumenical Matter
By Nickey Barnard, Matt Bull, Philippa Dall, Mike Grace and Steve Hatherley. Run by Zane Mendoza
15 players needed. There is room for changing some roles to female/male as needed or for cross dressing.
- Father Eamon
- Father Barry
- Father Keiran
- Mrs O'Malley
- Father Seamus
- Father Dermot
- Father Brian None
- Mrs O'Toole
- Sister Mary Agnes
- Sister Mary Beatrice
- Sister Mary Clarissa
- Mr O'Reilly
- Archbishop Corleone
- Father Fergus
- Sister Mary Theresa
Dress as if you have just gone to a funeral. Members of the clergy should look at priestly robes or nun's habits.
Zane Mendoza:
An Ecumenical Matter is set in the diocese of Peaky-in-the-Sea, following the tragic death of Father Francis. As Father Francis was going to be promoted to the position of Bishop of the Diocese of Peaky-in-the-Sea (Rocky Island, Stony Island and Pebbly Island), this now leaves the position open.
An Ecumenical Matter is a light-hearted game largely inspired by the TV series Father Ted and movies such as Nuns on the Run and The Sound of Music.