Boffo's Birthday Bash
By Donna Giltrap
- Dame Hyacinth Peabody (F) - a formidable woman. Runs an exclusive boarding school for girls.
- Julia Price (F) - a good sport. Owner of a Lady's magazine
Drones (members of the Drones Club
- Cyril "Boffo" Boffingham (M) - heir to Tudleigh Hall if he can get married before his 25th birthday.
- Augustus "Titus" Beaumont (M) - a young entrepreneur
- Percival "Quills" Beaumont (M) - a struggling playwright
- George "Tweety" Finchly (M) - teacher at Dame Hyacinth's school for Distinguished Young Ladies.
- Sebastian "Spinner" Frobischer (M) - an idle young man of means
- Theodore "Tubby" Purbright (M) - the ninth Earl of Pykeworth
- Angus "Beefsteak" Wainwright (M) - gentleman with a talent for boxing
- Clarissa Boffingham (F) - Cyril's sister.
- Roderick "Rotter" Ellington (M) - a member of the House of Common
- Georgina Frobisher (F) - an idle young lady of means
- Clementine Madison (F) - an American heiress
- Rosemary Oregano (F) - a writer of romantic novels
- Hermione Peabody (F) - daughter of Dame Hyacinth and temperance campaigner.
- Veronica Price (F) - daughter of Julia Price. Aspiring journalist.
- James Regent (M) - private investigator
- Algernon Seward (M) - a doctor specialising in "nervous disorders"
- Madame Cassandra de Valois (F) - a renowned medium
- Ophelia Wainwright (F) - a young lady of a somewhat fanciful and romantic disposition
1920s high society
Cyril (Boffo) Boffingham is celebrating his birthday in style. He has invited an assortment of fellow members of the Drones Club and other good eggs to help him mark the occasion. Unfortunately a few blighters and an unavoidable Aunt or two always manage to make their way onto the guest list. There's also the small matter that Cyril needs to get married within the next 12 months in order to inherit the family fortune.
"Boffo's Birthday Bash" is a LARP for 20 players in the style of PG Wodehouse