Forgotten Gods
By Ryan Paddy
The crowd suddenly parted as the robed figure approached. The street dust swirled strangely around Dalkhu Xul, and to the horror of those watching his face took on a ghastly skull-like aspect. Within moments the street was empty, and he swept into the herbalist's store. On the bare stone floor was a grisly sight, the herbalist with his fingers crumpled at unnatural angles and his eyes gauged from his head. Paying no heed to these disfigurations, Xul drew from his robes a small hand drum, covered with the skin of some unfortunate Pictish albino. The sorcerer began to beat a doleful rhythm and call out a hideous keening chant. A sudden chill swept through the shop as the diabolist summoned the departed soul back from the icy void and into the disfigured corpse, which jerked into a horrible semblance of life, its mouth gaping open revealing broken teeth. As Xul questioned the animated corpse about the manner of its death, it replied with an unearthly moaning voice. A group of Stygian priests, only their eyes showing through the slits in their head-wraps, had come into the shop, questioned the herbalist and tortured him to death. The herbalist told the Stygians all he knew about the forest of the savages, their worship, the strange occurrences there, and more. Xul sent the tortured soul back to the void, and swept out of the store towards the palace.
The priest Athos awoke on the floor, disoriented. Above him loomed the carven likeness of Mitra, his sombre bearded countenance gazing out into the unknown. As he looked up at his god in awe, the priest remembered his vision. The forest of the savages, ancient powers awakening, his realm in danger, and a powerful promise of destiny revealed. He leapt to his feet and raced out of the palace shrine, turning aside the guards who challenged him as he approached his lady's chambers. There was no time to waste! Then he drew to a halt. Where were they to go? The vision gave him no sense of location. Or did it? He examined the image of the primitive forest dwellers that was emblazoned in his memory, and a vague recollection stirred. Did they not resemble the savage Zanabel tribes, who lived in a state of perpetual war in the forests between his land of Argos and the desert land of Shem? They did! Composing himself, Athos prepared for his audience with the Duchess. Mitra had spoken, and the priest needed no other council, but could he convince Cassiopeia?
There are ten main player characters, divided into two groups: those coming from the sea-faring trading nation of Argos and those from the warlike desert land of Shem. Any number of additional "soldier" player characters can be added, as these will have simple briefings. The scenario is dangerous, especially for the soldiers. When a character dies the player will join the crew.
- Cassiopeia (F) the Duchess of Lemnos, renowned for her skills in business.
- Zander (M) spoiled, foppish son of Cassiopeia with an unhealthy interest in the occult.
- Sigvardr (M) renowned mercenary from frozen Vanaheim, and Cassiopeia's general.
- Shahla (F) roguish companion of Sigvardr, of mixed Hyrkanian and Nemedian blood.
- Athos (M) humble priest of the humane god Mitra, advisor to Cassiopeia.
- Kallias (E) an Argossian soldier.
- Lapidos (E) an Argossian soldier.
- Medhios (E) an Argossian soldier.
- Abi Sar (M) the Sar of Asgulan, the cruel lord of a warlike people.
- Dalkhu Xul (M) infamous Kothian diabolist, feared by noble and commoner alike.
- Ariella (F) noble wife of Abi Sar, a political match that she clearly regrets.
- Jaelle (F) mistress of Abi Sar, a mysterious temptress from Zamora.
- Gita (F) moody Cimmerian, captain of the Sar's guard.
- Semiru (E) a Shemite soldier.
- Isten (E) a Shemite soldier.
- Doru (E) a Shemite soldier.
- Between 4 and 12 crew required, in addition to GMs. As a crew member you'll be given a briefing sheet describing all the characters you'll play. You will be assigned at least one strong roleplaying role, as well as more combat-oriented roles.
A good standard of fantasy costume is requested. Foam weapons will be used for combat.
Ryan Paddy:
A fantasy adventure in Robert E Howard's Hyborian Age, the original sword-and-sorcery setting. Expect bloody slaughter, diabolical magic, pulp romance and shady dealings in a lost realm of ancient mysteries and primitive idol-worship.