Snow White
By Shifting Forrest Storyworks. Run by Scott Kelly.
Cast List: 5 males, 3 Females + Room for Crew/NPCs
- The Queen - (Female) - Queen
- Snow White - (Female) - Snow White
- Gittel - (Female) - Snow White's old Nurse Maid
- The Prince - (Male) - The Prince
- Kione the Dwarf - (Male) - A sub human
- Naresh - (Male) - The Advisor to the Royal Court
- Servos - (Male) - Head of the Guards
- Armin - (Male) - The Prince's right hand man
Early Medieval costumes, some weapons. Good costuming would be appreciated as it adds to the flavour for all players.
Scott Kelly:
Of all traditional fairy tales that were adapted and censored for children in modern renditions, Snow White has perhaps undergone the most change. Today's bedtime story of an innocent princess, seven happy little men and true love forgets the original undertones of desperation, passion, poverty and sexuality.
One cannot tell the true story of Snow White without going back to a time in which men were valued only for their size and stamina, and woman only for their beauty and ability to bear children; a time in which glass was so rare that a polished mirror was truly a frightening thing of magic.
Most of the original characters and a few new ones are present in this adaptation of the older, darker, and more vivid story of Snow White. It is set in the hours before the execution of the Queen and subsequent wedding of the Prince and Princess, a time of last chances and new beginnings.