Star Wars: Last Drink in the Purple Sun
By Adam Parsons and Leong Wong
- Race: Droid: Human/Alien relations
- Knows over 1 million forms of communication
- Costume: Droid!
- Race: Human
- Captain of the Raven. If you want something legal or otherwise... Storm can sort you out.
- Costume: Galactic human - Think Han Solo!
Captain Rrik
- Race: Chiss
- Former republic officer turned bounty hunter.
- Costume: Blue face paint and red eyes if you can! Clothing should be practical such as cargo pants and a tough jacket.
- Race: Human
- Best slicer in the sector and Rirk's shipmate. The reason why Rrik always gets paid on time...
- Costume: You are a hacker and a little geeky - Coloured shades work well! (blue or orange!)
Priest Ba'lan
- Race: Human
- From the weather temples on the planet below you have travelled to the space station to view your worlds cyclone season from space.
- Costume: Long robes - something you can relax in.
Initiate Va'lorn
- Race: Human
- Trainee to Ba'lan you have much to learn before you can hope to understand a cyclone! Better pay attention but there are so many interesting drinks... er... sights to see!
- Costume: Long robes - something you can relax in.
- Race: Human
- Engineer on the station. Fallen on hard times, now looking for a ship or work planet side to help pay your debtors back.
- Costume: Jump suit and a grease monkey look!
- Race: Twi'lik
- Bounty hunter - new to the game its time to prove your worth. And no, you don't want to dance... no not even for money... 'sigh'
- Costume: Twi'liek head tentacles! Or a nice head wrap concealing them. Leather armour be it boots and gloves or even something to protect you.
Commander Vasque
- Race: Human
- This is your station and you are going to drink wherever you want! Security be damned you just want a place to get away from the Admiralty...
- Costume: Military or Navy feel you are off duty but rank badge will be provided!
Lieutenant Windchaser
- Race: Human
- Whose idea was it to round up bounty hunters on this station... You should definitely get a pay rise for this...assuming you live long enough. Let's hope no one knows about that one time...
- Costume: Military: Naval officer. Rank badge will be provided.
- Race: Human
- Legendary bounty hunter looking for your next pay packet owner of the ship Enforcer you have been taking bounties since well before the republic collapsed.
- Costume: cyber punk. Chains on your top / trousers and fishnets on your arms with a barcode tattoo under your left eye.
- Race: Human
- Space tourist - Ain't this part of the galaxy purdy? Recently won the core worlds lotto and is going every where and anywhere other than the farmstead back home.
- Costume: You just won the lotto! Hawaiian shirt wouldn't go a miss! Your a space tourist bring a camera!
As stated per character. 3 require high level of costume (Jedi / Sith / droid) 2 require medium level (face paint) the rest are all 'humans' so something vaguely sci-fi is fine. (think Han Solo or Luke's trackpants)
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A cantina on a remote mining platform plays host to unsung heroes of the Republic and the dark manipulations of the Empire. With a call put out for bounty hunters by Darth Vader himself the bar is a teeming hive of scum and villainy.
Will the Republic get out with the information they need to restore the Republic? Has the Empire gone too far for even the bounty hunters to stick with them? Can the empire gain access to the resources they so urgently need?