Bitter Tears at Sad Mary's Bar and Girl


Scott Beattie & Tonia Walden, revised by Thorin Tabor


There are 10 characters.

Bob Fine (M) working Joe who takes thing literally

Bruno Roth (M) famous American author

Donald Baughman (M) sensible American "burger" (tourist) on holiday in Al Amarja

Eleanor Baughman (F) nervous burger, married to Donald

Elias Bettleheim (E) kindly old bespeckled toymaker

Max Reaver (F) shy off-duty Peace Officer (police)

Montgomery Knapp (M) handsome cultist

Mathurin Turgot (E) sleazy street dealer

Faith Semelaigne (F) prostitute known as "the women in the red dress"

Hippensteel (F) demented street lady


Tourists wear modern American clothes, locals wear bizarre fashion with macabre twists and a militant edge: nooses as neck-ties, steel-capped boots, knives ready to be pulled.

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Located off the Plaza of Flowers, Sad Mary's Bar and Girl is a popular hang-out on The Edge slum. Above the door is a statue of Mary, pregnant and weeping into her hands. Only the words "Bar and Girl" appear on the face of the building. Most nights this seedy dive is crammed with cutthroats, scumbags and lowlifes - drinking, dealing and jostling for the best place to view the fights. The venue features a stage on which the management hosts fights, exotic dancers and performance art.

Tonight, however, it is New Years Eve and the majority of the Al Amarjan citizens are on the streets, celebrating, thieving or cutting throats. The bar is quiet with just ten customers, enjoying the quiet away from the carnival. It seems like a quiet night, but in Al Amarja nothing is ever what it seems.

This surreal and dystopic scenario is based on the critically-acclaimed role-playing game Over The Edge, set on a fictional island of Al Amarja in the Mediterranean Sea.

Photo from Chimera 2009