All The President's Zombies
By Mike Beddes, run by Joe Outram
Welcome to the centre of the Free World, ladies and gentlemen. This adventure focuses on a meeting between the President of the United States, and many of his top advisors. They are meeting to discuss an extremely unexpected development in the South - zombies are attacking!
Bad Dreams: Murder Ballads
By Ivan "Vanya" Essin, Porl Bowdler, Walter Hamer, Gaffy Sandford
There's a bar in the middle of nowhere called A Bucket Of Blood. These walls have seen a whole lot of violence, the towns round here have nearly run dry of people. Tonight's no ordinary night, tonight many paths lead to a single blood Bar. This is the night where the nightmares get what's coming.
But Nobody Loses an Eye
By Stephanie & Catherine Pegg, run by Hannah Jackson
You're four years old and invited to a birthday party. This is going to be great! What could possibly go wrong?
Betrothals and Betrayals
By Donna Giltrap & Debbie Cowens
Lady Bathurst has invited a number of eligible young ladies and gentleman to stay at Albion Hall, in the hope of finding a suitable match for her only daughter. However, behind the polite conversation and pleasant surroundings lurks many a dark secret and hidden agenda. Inspired by the works of Jane Austen and Susanna Clarke.
Bitter Tears at Sad Mary's Bar and Girl
By Scott Beattie & Tonia Walden, revised by Thorin Tabor
A surreal and dystopic scenario based on the critically-acclaimed role-playing game Over The Edge, set on a fictional island of Al Amarja in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Brawl
Facilitated by Gareth Sandford
An afternoon of casual violence.
Communing in Darkness
By Nick Huggins, run by Anna Klein
Six people gather around a table. They join hands. The call goes out "Is there anybody there?" Tonight, someone is definitely there. And they want to talk.
A Dead Man's Chest
By Freeform Games
Two pirate crews descend upon the sleepy Caribbean island of Santo Oloroso to avenge the death of their former master Captain Flint, or to find and grab his treasure. Old enmities will surface, deals will be made and broken, and some folk will swing from the yard-arm while others receive the dreaded Black Spot.
Diamond Geezers
By Peaky Games (UK), run by Scott Kelly
Inspired by movies such as Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Layer Cake and Snatch, this darkly humorous game gives you the chance to release your inner East London Gangster. This game is R18.
The Discarded
By Matt "Tigger" Brunton
A challenging role-play confronting the roles of beauty and humanity. In 2172 AD the most repulsive mutant horrors were expelled from earth, wandering the solar system in a rusty shell of a space ship with no place to call home. In a society seeking the ultimate in physical beauty, what becomes of those who are less than perfect?
A Feast of Crows
By Zane Mendoza
Come join us on a Provoke Fashion cover shoot. Enjoy the sights and sounds of a sea voyage.
Happy Birthday RJ
By Freeform Games, run by Robert Shaw
1980's Texas is all about money and oil. It doesn't just matter who you are, but how much you are worth. The women are all beautiful with big hair, big smiles and big shoulder pads. Everything is larger than life.
Jade Empire - Zhen Zhu Chie ('Pearls of Wisdom')
By Erin Hockings
The great monastery of Water (Miao Shui), on the island of Shui, has long been prophesied to hold secrets of great import and power. Now, many monks and nuns are seeing visions, and the monstrous Awabi that live in the area grow restless. What power is rising here, and how will it affect the Jade Empire? A group of brave samurai are being gathered to find out...
Knightshade - Severed Souls
By Dave McIsaac
The lands of Puka'Tarni have been recovering from years of magical devastation and are being settled. However bandits and smugglers have also found a haven there, and parts of the forest have once again appear blighted, attracting adventurers from far and wide to return to investigate.
New Horizons: Fang Gogh
By Rowena Knill, Dave Luxton and Nikki van den Bergh
The existence of Vampires has been revealed and the whole world is vamp crazy. Everyone wants a piece of the vampire action, and the hottest thing in the art scene is 'Fang Gogh', a genuine vampire artist that paints pictures of genuine vampires. Everyone wants a Fang Gogh, and for a limited time, an exhibition of his works is coming to New Zealand!
Nexus: Gathering at Foxlight
By Cameron McLean, Jason Farley, Justin Marsh, Patrick Cummuskey and Peter Cummuskey
It is 1943, and mages of the Covenant of Auckland are gathering at Foxlight Chancery to socialise and discuss matters of importance amidst the continuing pressures of WW2. Amongst the business there will be the reswearing of oaths of allegiance to the Covenant and the resolution of some minor matters of dispute. The matter of recent encounters with apparently Nazi mages is also a great cause for concern amongst the attendees, although the upcoming wedding of two of the assembled mages has done a lot to keep spirits buoyed.
Much Ado About Something
By Alan Schwartz, run by Malcolm Harbrow
Hear ye, hear ye! By order of Theseus, Duke of Athens, ye are hereby summoned to the reading of ye Last Wille of William Shakespeare, poet and playwright, recently discovered slain by unknown causes. Shakespeare's Legacy includes the title to his complete works, which some believe may one day have value.
Prayers on a Porcelain Altar
By J. Tuomas Harviainen, run by Scott Kelly
This game simulates an awful hung-over morning. Last night you were at a random drunken party with strangers, now no one remembers anything and everyone is feeling ill. Upstairs is a dump and those blood-covered sheets look really disturbing. It would be nice to know what the hell happened.
Quest to the Forest of Darkness
By Matt Moore and Matt Brunton
Classic live-action fantasy adventure in the forests at night. Brave adventurers pit themselves against the forces of evil. Brought to you by the two Matts of St. Wolfgang's.
Requiem - Find Your Own Truth
By Porl Bowdler, Joel Williams & Joe
Scatterd Memories, Dull routine. What is the truth of your existence. Who are you? Another stand alone story from the ongoing Interesting Times Requiem campaign.
The Soap Opera larp
By Thorbiorn Fritzon
A jeepform game inspired by TV soap operas.
Super Sparkle Action Princess GX
By Stephanie and Catherine Pegg
You are the cast and crew of TV's hottest new children's show: Super Sparkle Action Princess GX! But there's a problem: your footage has been is lost, the script is garbage, and the props mistress hates you. Your deadline is today, and failure is not an option. Are you a trouper?
Truth, Justice and Spandex!
By Blair Purkiss and Kerry Pellett
Its the day after graduation at the Neopolitan Academy for Development of Supers. Heroes and Villains from all over Neopolis gather to search for new recruits while the graduates of N.A.D.S themselves lookforward to a bright future. Will good triumph over evil in the battle for these young super's careers? Or will evil bring them to a life of tyranny and having a damn good time doing it? Stay Tuned!
By Nick Huggins, run by Ryan Paddy
In the Oort cloud of solar system 22469 a lone science vessel, the Dominion Starship Baxter has received a message which can only have come from a technologically developed civilisation. As the crew of the Baxter attempt to discover the origin of the message, events occur which promise to change the face of the entire Dominion...
A Town Called Refuge
By Ivan "Vanya" Essin, Prema Cottingham, Hamish Meads, Cameron Burns and Daphne Cohen
Our big Saturday evening larp A Town Called Refuge is a straight up classic western game packed with original characters for 85 players based on old favourites. Gunslingers, sassy saloon girls, investors, pioneers, crims, lawbringers, cowboys and Indians. A Town Called Refuge's standoff will be coming to a charged high noon showdown at Chimera 2010.