Knightshade - Severed Souls
Dave McIsaac
This game will be limited to 15 players, with provision for 5 players who wish to play monster roles only.
Costuming is high fantasy. Extra descriptions will be included with all characters and are also available in the player's guide.
GM Contact
A year has passed since the Council of Mages sent their investigators to the battered lands of Puka'Tarni, and the corrupted Portal destroyed. Since this final purge of demonic presence, the land has been recovering from years of magical devastation. The dead forest is once more awash in the green of new growth, the sounds of animals thriving fills the air, and even the common folk have sought to reclaim this abandoned corner of the world, working to re-establish the once bountiful farms.
But, things are far from perfect. Without any presence of the King's Militia, bandits and smugglers have seen Puka'Tarni as the perfect opportunity to escape justice, and even continue their despicable 'trades' unhindered, with settlers and explorers as easy prey and whole families being butchered in their sleep. Worse yet, parts of the forest have once again begun to appear blighted, turning grey and dead overnight, and stories have emerged of strange lights and apparitions floating amongst the trees and ruins, with unsettling rumours of some being driven mad by the sight.
As always, the lure of mystery and hidden treasures attracts adventurers from far and wide, and the call has gone out to once more journey these troubled lands, seeking out danger and intrigue, and put and end to whatever foul elements would cause unrest or harm.