New Horizons - Fang Gogh
Rowena Knill, Dave Luxton, and Nikki van den Bergh
12-15 players
Modern, costume light. Afternoon formalwear, we can also accommodate players in everyday clothes.
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The existence of Vampires has been revealed and the whole world is vamp crazy. Everyone wants a piece of the vampire action, and the hottest thing in the art scene is 'Fang Gogh', a genuine vampire artist that paints pictures of genuine vampires. Everyone wants a Fang Gogh, and for a limited time, and exhibition of his works is coming to New Zealand! Due to the controversial nature of his work, security is tight, and only small groups are permitted into the gallery at a time. You are one of the lucky ones that has managed to procure a ticket to this exclusive event.
A stand alone game set in the ongoing campaign world of New Horizons: Out of the Coffin, no prior knowledge of the setting or rules required.