Please fill in the form below to register for Chimera 2012.

Registration Information

Game Selection

Friday night

Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

Saturday evening

Sunday morning

Sunday afternoon


Chimera will cost as follows:

  • Full Convention (5-6 games) - $55
  • Three/Four games - $35 (no discounts apply)
  • Two Games - $25 (no discounts apply)
  • One Game only - $15 (no discounts apply)
  • Prepaid Catering - $30 (no discounts)


If you take the "Full Convention" option there is a $5 discount if you pay before August 1st, and a further $5 discount if you are a member of nzLARPS.

Bed Space

There are 84 beds available at the venue. Accommodation is clean scout bunks, with access to bathroom, shower and kitchen facilities. Accommodation is free of charge but priority will be given to those coming from out of Auckland.


To confirm your booking, please pay the appropriate amount in the following bank account or email us to arrange alternative payment.

Account Name: NZLARPS
Bank and Branch: BNZ 262 Queen Street
Account Number: 02-0290-0086913-03
Reference: Last name, first initial
Particulars: CHIMERA